• “It Will Look Like a Sunset” was the essay that inspired my book, and it can be found at Guernica.

  • “Ritchie County Mall” at Gay (Roxane Gay) Mag

  • “Every Line is a Scream” at Gay (Roxane Gay) Mag

  • “What Sustains Me” at The Rumpus

  • “Spoons” at Gulf Coast

  • “Mates” at Gulf Coast

  • “Poppies” at The Rumpus

  • “I Was Raped / I Was Battered” (co-written with Melissa Ferrone) at Guernica

  • “It Was Once Like This Before” at The Rupture

  • “The Sharp Point in the Middle” at PANK

Literary Essays

Alexander Tinei

Print Essays

  • “The Witching Hour” at Alaska Quarterly Review

  • “Like Mourners’ Bread” at Slice

  • “Whirling Disease” at Denver Quarterly

  • “Indian Creek Solitaire” at The MidAmerican Review

  • “Mornings, On the Ranch” at The Los Angeles Review

  • “Demolition” at Flyway: Journal of Writing And Environment

  • “Runaway” at Reed Magazine

Other writing and commentary

  • “Some People Flip Real Estate. I Flip Men” at The New York Times Modern Love

  • “Kelly Sundberg on the Healing Power of Storytelling” at Stylist UK (guest edited by Roxane Gay)

  • “I Had No Idea My Husband Was Abusing Me” at Good Housekeeping

  • “The Early Evenings Club” at Psychology Today

  • “What ‘Due Process’ Means To a Survivor Like Me” at Glamour

  • “Why Has the Media Mostly Ignored the Intimate Partner Violence Against Lindsay Lohan?” at The Daily Dot

  • “When You Blame Amber Heard, You Blame Me Too” at Guernica

  • “This Writer is Sponsored by Herself” at Brevity

  • “Can Confessional Writing be Literary?” at Brevity

  • “Simple Strategies for Getting Through the Hellish Landscape and Existential Loneliness of Memoir Writing” at Brevity

Brian Rea, NYT